Specter of Communism

fight club marxMost people hold a number of misconceptions about Marxism. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels  developed Marxist theory to evaluate class struggle in capitalism through economics and history. The Communism of the Soviet Union or Maoist China is a far cry from Marxist sociological theory. In a nutshell, Marxism examines the exploitation of the working class by the upper class. He predicts that because capitalism is inherently unstable, the working proletariat will unite and rise up against the bourgeois in a revolution that will ultimately create a classless society. Chuck Palahniuk ‘s Fight Club may as well have been written in red ink. This blog explores the Marxist message in the popular book. The first rule of fight club is you don’t talk about fight club – naturally, the first post in my series is ‘Breaking the 1st Rule.’

Specter of Communism

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